Home Health yoga for flat foot: know how to get rid of fallen arches heel pain just by doing these two yoga asanas

yoga for flat foot: know how to get rid of fallen arches heel pain just by doing these two yoga asanas

yoga for flat foot: know how to get rid of fallen arches heel pain just by doing these two yoga asanas

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Yoga For Flat Feet: You must have often seen many people around you whose feet are slightly different from others. The arch of the sole of the foot of such people is flat, which is also known as flat foot in English. The problem of flat feet can also be due to improper development of feet in childhood, due to injury or aging. Due to which a person can have problems of heel pain apart from walking, running, standing for a long time. If you are also troubled by heel pain due to flat feet, then these two yogasanas can help you.

To get relief from flat foot heel pain, do these 2 yogasanas-

By doing Trikonasana, along with maintaining the balance of the body, the muscles of the legs also get relief. Due to which there is benefit in heel pain. To do Trikonasana, first of all, while breathing, take both your legs to a distance of about 3 feet, keeping your back straight, while spreading both your hands, bend to the right side until both your hands come in a straight line. Similarly, bending from the left side, spread both your hands and bring them in a straight line.

The pain in the legs and thighs can be reduced by practicing Tadasana. Performing this asana can also help in improving knee pain and posture along with relieving the problem of pain and swelling in the heel. To do Tadasana, first of all stand straight on the ground and keep both your hands sticking to the waist while joining both your feet. Slowly raise the hands and take them above the head. Now standing on tiptoes, raise the heel of the foot a little and fold the claws of the hands upwards while joining the fingers of the hands.


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