Home Health world juvenile arthritis awareness month 2023: know what is juvenile idiopathic arthritis or childhood arthritis symptoms and treatment in hindi

world juvenile arthritis awareness month 2023: know what is juvenile idiopathic arthritis or childhood arthritis symptoms and treatment in hindi

world juvenile arthritis awareness month 2023: know what is juvenile idiopathic arthritis or childhood arthritis symptoms and treatment in hindi

Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Week: If till now you have been considering arthritis as a disease related to the elderly, then change your thinking. Arthritis can affect not only old people but also children. Considering its seriousness, every year July is celebrated as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. The effect of this disease is on the development of children’s bones, due to which the length of children can stop. Children suffering from this disease may have pain in the joints of hands and feet, knee and hip. Let us know what is Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, its symptoms and preventive measures.

According to Dr. Somesh Virmani – Senior Consultant, Musculoskeletal Disorders and Orthopedics (Medanta- Gurugram), the management of chronic pain associated with juvenile arthritis requires an optimal all-rounder technique and approach, which includes medical support, lifestyle changes, emotional support, and self-management techniques. By working closely with a doctor, implementing pain management techniques, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and fostering a supportive environment, children and teens with juvenile arthritis can effectively manage chronic pain and live better lives.

What is Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis?
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, also known as juvenile arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It is an autoimmune disease, which affects a person’s immunity. This condition triggers the release of inflammatory chemicals in the body, which attack the synovium tissue in the joints and damage the bones and cartilage. As a result, children and adolescents suffer from swollen joints and persistent pain.

At what age can Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis occur?
This condition can develop in children under the age of 16. It is the most common condition of arthritis in this age group.

Symptoms of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-
Children with JIA may experience joint deformities, developmental abnormalities, osteoporosis, swelling, fever, stiffness, fatigue, eye problems, and difficulty in completing day-to-day activities.

In addition, the chronic pain associated with juvenile arthritis can affect a child’s daily activities, mobility, and mental health. The pain felt by children with JA may be different from the pain felt by another child. In which he may also have problems of fatigue, stiffness and limited joint mobility. There is a need for better coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with this problem, which can help children manage their pain better and lead a better life.

Tips to deal with chronic pain associated with juvenile arthritis
Multidisciplinary Care-

Multidisciplinary care here refers to the need for a collaborative approach that includes health care professionals with expertise in pediatric rheumatology, pediatric orthopedics, pain management, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. They work together to design a treatment plan tailored to the child’s specific needs, which includes a medication plan, physical therapy exercises, and other plans to reduce pain and improve functional abilities.

Pain Management Technique-
There are several pain management techniques that can reduce the chronic pain associated with juvenile arthritis. These techniques include heat and cold therapy, which may provide temporary relief by reducing inflammation and reducing joint discomfort. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and guided imagery can also help a child’s mind and body relax, reduce stress, and pain. Alternatively, engaging in a hobby, listening to music, or practicing mindfulness can help distract from the pain.

regular physical activity
Regular physical activity is a good way to manage chronic pain in children with juvenile arthritis. The right exercises, as suggested by experts, can help reduce pain by improving the flexibility of the joints, strengthening the muscles. It is essential to strike a balance between rest and physical activity, ensuring that the child remains active without overworking. Activities such as swimming, low-impact exercise, and physiotherapy can be beneficial in managing pain and enhancing physical well-being.

Emotional and mental health care
Living with chronic pain, such as arthritis, can take a toll on a child’s emotional and mental health. Therefore, along with physical care, it is extremely important to take care of mental health as well. In such a situation, apart from encouraging open dialogue with the child, help him join a support or counseling group. So that children can be helped to express their feelings and develop effective coping strategies.

Accessories and friendly assistance

Assistive devices and adaptive aids such as splints, braces, joint supports, elastic and compression wraps, canes, crutches, walkers, adaptive utensils, special tools, ergonomic furniture, jar openers, button hooks and grip aids, etc., can provide support, stability, pain relief, and assistance in performing daily activities for children with juvenile arthritis.

In addition, it is extremely important for children with juvenile arthritis to consume a nutritious, balanced diet rich in vitamin D, protein, healthy oils and fiber with limited sugars. Apart from this, regular doctor’s advice and remembering to take the prescribed medicine also helps in controlling the condition and preventing the disease from turning into a serious form.


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