Home National Why did you send friend requests to people in the military? Seema Haider answered these 7 big questions – Seema Haider answered 7 questions how she entered India from Pakistan and married Sachin NTC

Why did you send friend requests to people in the military? Seema Haider answered these 7 big questions – Seema Haider answered 7 questions how she entered India from Pakistan and married Sachin NTC

Why did you send friend requests to people in the military?  Seema Haider answered these 7 big questions – Seema Haider answered 7 questions how she entered India from Pakistan and married Sachin NTC

Seema Haider came to India in love after selling her house from Sindh area of ​​Pakistan. After this, she made many claims about her husband Ghulam Haider that he used to beat her. He also said many things about the condition of women in Pakistan. Pictures of Seema Haider and Sachin’s wedding have also come to the fore. India’s neighboring country Nepal is at the center of all this. The same country for which Seema Haider made a way to enter India easily.

Seema sometimes claimed that she got married in Nepal’s Pashupati Nath temple and sometimes said that she got married in a hotel. Aaj Tak’s team gathered information about Seema Haider at every nook and corner of Nepal. How did she reach Nepal? Where did she take shelter of lies in Nepal and how easily she reached India.

Seema and Sachin have claimed that both of them got married at the Gueshwari temple located in the Pashupati Nath temple complex in Kathmandu. Aaj Tak also reached this temple as part of its investigation campaign. The details of Seema and Sachin were not found here. A board was also installed here that only Hindus get entry. The question is, did Seema hide her identity here?

Aaj Tak’s investigation in Nepal has revealed that Seema Haider repeatedly resorted to lies there and took advantage of lax security to enter India. Seema illegally entered the Indian border from Nepal with 4 children. Now the border will remain in India, or it will be deported to Pakistan, it is for the Indian law to decide. But she is clearly refusing to return to Pakistan.

Seema is saying that she will not go to Pakistan. If he has to go, his bier will go to Pakistan. After questioning by ATS, Aaj Tak also questioned Seema and tried to know what is going on in Seema’s mind. A total of 7 questions were asked to Seema, whose answers were also given by Seema. Read Seema’s questions and their answers-

Question 1- What did ATS ask you, what was the thing on which they suspected the most?

answer: He had doubts only on me. He had full doubts. Whatever was true I told them all. Everything from village to Karachi, from Karachi to here has been told the truth. What will happen next will be known.

Question 2- Room number 204… Hotel Vinayak, stayed here in Nepal, why did you get the name changed?

answer: The hoteliers are telling lies. Neither did they make us write our names. There is no strictness there. He will say this now to save himself. Those people used to take 500 Nepali rupees from us every morning.

Question 3- Did you write your name Preeti in the hotel?

answer: No, the name Preeti was never written. It was my name and they knew it too. He never even wrote our name. Nor did he ask me my name. He (Sachin) had told the hoteliers that my wife would also come to stay.

Question 4- The manager of Hotel Vinayak told that you wanted to go to pub and bar?

answer: never. I never talked about leaving. If I had children at home then how could I have done this. We had only 7 days and I had to go back. We spent days laughing and playing there. We had very good days there. He (Sachin) was shocked that I had come to meet him. It was not in my mind then that I would come to India.

Question 5- Only Hindus get married in Pashupati Nath temple, so how did Seema Haider get married here?

answer: I am a Hindu and I have been a Hindu for the last one year. People are saying that I am pretending to be a Hindu by coming here, but I was a Hindu by heart in Pakistan too, but could not live there openly. Because if I had told there that I wanted to become a Hindu, I would not have survived.

Question 6- Your brother works in Pakistan Army?

answer: I have told many times that when Sachin and I met, he (Seema’s brother) was a laborer. He had studied till 12th, he was not getting any work. Then after the death of my father, he was on duty. That too a common soldier. The amount of suspicion with which they are being seen, they do not have that much status. I do not have any relation with him because I was married and lived separately.

Question 7- Such news also came that you had sent friend request on social media to the people associated with the army in India?

answer: not at all. I am not even running Facebook. I don’t even have a phone. I had 5 friends in my ID. Close friend of Sachin and Sachin. Now friend requests of lakhs of people are coming on my ID. IDs have been made for many people in my name. I haven’t sent a friend request to anyone yet. My ID is logged in on someone else’s phone, so they might have accepted it. No one can prove that I have requested anyone. I only used Instagram. It’s linked-in to Facebook.


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