Home National When Chandrayaan-3 will leave the Earth’s orbit, know from the scientist what will be its speed? – when chandrayaan 3 will leave earth orbit what will be its speed and direction ssc

When Chandrayaan-3 will leave the Earth’s orbit, know from the scientist what will be its speed? – when chandrayaan 3 will leave earth orbit what will be its speed and direction ssc

When Chandrayaan-3 will leave the Earth’s orbit, know from the scientist what will be its speed?  – when chandrayaan 3 will leave earth orbit what will be its speed and direction ssc

ISRO launched Chandrayaan-3 on 14 July 2023. At this time it is revolving around the earth in an elliptical orbit of 233×71,351 km. Tomorrow i.e. on July 25, 2023, the next orbit maneuvering will take place between 2 to 3 pm. Then its apogee will be increased from 71,351 km to around one lakh km.

ISRO scientists have to put Chandrayaan-3 in an orbit of 1 lakh kilometers so that it can go on the Lunar Transfer Trajectory i.e. the highway leading to the Moon. But before going on this highway, how much speed Chandrayaan-3 will have to achieve. In common language, we understand it in speed. But ISRO scientists count it as velocity.

Former ISRO rocket scientist Vinod Kumar Srivastava aajtak.in Told in a special conversation that when Chandrayaan-3 was put into its first orbit by the LVM-3 rocket, the speed of Chandrayaan-3 was 36,968.4 kilometers per hour. Means 10.269 kilometers per second. Means Chandrayaan-3 was traveling ten and a quarter kilometers in one second. Right now its speed is between 36,968 to 40,320 km.

Chandrayaan-3 Route

Need this much speed to go out of the earth

Chandrayaan-3 will have to achieve a speed of 40,320 kilometers per hour to go out of the Earth’s orbit. Because once the engine of Chandrayaan-3’s Integrated Module i.e. Lander and Propulsion Module is on. So it gets faster. He reaches the next orbit. But as soon as he reaches the farthest point at the apogee. Its speed becomes zero. The earth again pulls him.

Chandrayaan-3 will go on the highway of the moon on August 1

This is happening with Chandrayaan-3 in every orbit. The propulsion module houses two large fuel tanks. In which different types of fuel are filled. With whose mixture this vehicle is traveling in space. Till the fourth orbit, Chandrayaan-3 was orbiting the earth in about 22 hours. But the fifth round can be completed in more time. After this, it will go directly into the Lunar Transit Trajectory. This work will be done on 1 August.

Chandrayaan-3 Route

It is necessary to catch the moon’s orbit, otherwise bye-bye

ISRO scientists are waiting for this thing when Chandrayaan-3 and Moon come in a line in space, ie on the same plane. So that the vehicle can reach the moon at the right time. Around August 17, ISRO scientists will try to get Chandrayaan-3 to capture the Moon’s orbit. Otherwise, at a speed of 40,320 kilometers per hour, it will leave the side saying bye-bye to the moon. The mission would be futile.

When Chandrayaan-3 will be turned 180 degrees

Therefore, with the help of small engines fitted in the propulsion module, the integrated module of Chandrayaan-3 will be rotated completely in the opposite direction. Means 180 degree turn will be given. So that he can catch the orbit of the moon. This work will be about 84 thousand kilometers above the surface of the Moon. From here the speed of Chandrayaan will be slowed down. Then by reducing its speed, the lander module of Chandrayaan-3 will be inserted into a circular orbit of 100×100 km.

This is how the speed will be reduced, then landing will happen

Then on August 23, the propulsion module will continue to rotate in a circular orbit. Whereas the lander will reduce its speed to less than 8,568 km per hour, coming into the orbit of 100×30 km. To hold the orbit of the moon, any spacecraft needs a speed of 1 kilometer per second i.e. at least 3600 kilometers per hour. Then by reducing its speed, the lander will be landed near the South Pole.


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