Home National ‘We are aware of the matter…’, MEA statement on Seema Haider for the first time

‘We are aware of the matter…’, MEA statement on Seema Haider for the first time

‘We are aware of the matter…’, MEA statement on Seema Haider for the first time

Seema Haider delivered a lot of dialogues in front of the media. But sources reveal that during the interrogation of UP ATS for two days, Seema could not answer many questions. There is full suspicion of Seema being a Pakistani spy. Till now no proof of his being a spy has been found. However, many revelations are being made about the infiltration of the border into India.

Aaj Tak’s team, which reached Pokhara in Nepal, has gathered many important information, in which it has also come to light that how Seema came to India as Preeti from Nepal. Meanwhile, for the first time the statement of the Ministry of External Affairs has come to the fore.

According to the news agency, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said on Thursday that the matter related to Pakistani citizen Seema Haider is under investigation. Foreign Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi said, “We are aware of the matter as she (Seema) has appeared in the court. She has been granted bail. She is out on bail. The matter is being investigated.”

He said, “When there is a development, we will give you more information. It is a judicial matter and the investigation is going on. I would not like to say anything more than this.”

Seema had entered India after becoming a lover of Nepal

The team of Aaj Tak, which reached Pokhara in Nepal, has found evidence in which it has come to the fore that Seema entered India after changing her name. For this, he had taken a bus from Pokhara in Nepal to Greater Noida. While traveling in the bus, Seema revealed her name as Preeti. Not only this, he even claimed to have an Indian Aadhaar card.

Prasanna Gautam, manager of Pokhara’s Srishti bus service, told that Seema had booked four seats in the bus by posing as Preeti. In this she came to India with her four children. While catching the bus, Seema told herself as an Indian and told her name as Preeti. When asked about the ID, he confidently said that he has an Indian Aadhaar card.

Love story started in the year 2019 with PUBG

The love story of Seema Haider and Sachin Meena started in the year 2019 with the online wargame PUBG. While playing the game, both exchanged numbers and things started happening. The love of both of them went so deep that they decided to live together, while Seema was already married. After this Seema and Sachin met in Nepal. When she came to meet for the first time, Seema had left her children at relatives’ place.

Seema arrested on 4th July, got bail on 7th

After reaching Greater Noida, Seema started living with Sachin. After this, when both of them talked to the lawyer for legal marriage and showed the documents of Seema, then the lawyer gave the news to the police. After this, the police arrested Seema and Sachin on 4 July. After this, the court released him on July 7 on some instructions and conditions.


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