Home World US USCIRF Chief Rabbi Abraham Cooper Show Report Over Religious Discrimination In India How Many Time Target India On Minority

US USCIRF Chief Rabbi Abraham Cooper Show Report Over Religious Discrimination In India How Many Time Target India On Minority

US USCIRF Chief Rabbi Abraham Cooper Show Report Over Religious Discrimination In India How Many Time Target India On Minority

US USCIRF on Religious Freedom: Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Chief of the US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), has once again accused the world’s largest democratic country of religious discrimination against India. He said that religious discrimination in India has reached appalling levels. This is not the first time, when USCIRF chief Rabbi Abraham Cooper has presented a report related to religious discrimination regarding India.

USCIRF, while presenting a report two months ago i.e. in May, informed that the situation of religious freedom in India is worrying. The USCIRF recommended that the issue of religious freedom be raised and heard during US-India bilateral meetings. However, USCIRF has been making similar recommendations to the State Department since 2020, which have not been accepted

India was placed in the category of Tier 2 country in 2019
2 years ago from today i.e. in 2020 also USCIRF presented a report, under which they listed India in the category of Country of Particular Concern. He placed India in the category of countries like China, North Korea, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. At the same time, according to a report of the year 2019, India was placed in the category of Tier 2 country by USCIRF.

This was the first time after the year 2004, when India was placed in the category of Tier 2 country in the year 2019. USCIRF had suggested strict action against India under the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA).

Recommendation to ban Indian agencies and officials
This time USCIRF has gone a step further and recommended to put India in the list of religious discrimination along with Afghanistan, Syria, Nigeria and Vietnam. He has recommended a ban on Indian agencies and officials from financial matters to travel.

Read this also: Religious Freedom: America compared India to Afghanistan-Syria, said about religious discrimination – If the situation does not improve, America…


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