Home Health Urinary Tract Infection: effective home remedies to treat urine infection in women

Urinary Tract Infection: effective home remedies to treat urine infection in women

Urinary Tract Infection: effective home remedies to treat urine infection in women

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Home Remedies For Urine Infection: Women are more prone to urine infection than men. Reasons like women drinking less water, eating sour spicy food, consuming excessive amounts of caffeine and chocolate can be responsible behind this. In such a situation, there may be a question in your mind that these habits can also happen in men, then why only women have the problem of urine infection again and again. Let us know the hidden reason behind it and some home remedies that give relief.

Symptoms of urine infection-
Women may have problems like lower abdominal pain, burning or foaming while urinating, fever, nausea, and chills when they have urine infection.

Why do women get urine infection easily?
There is a major reason behind frequent occurrence of urine infection in women as compared to men. Actually, the urethra in women’s body is much smaller than that of men. Much smaller than males. Urethra is the tube or tube through which urine comes out of the body. In men, the urethra passes through the prostate and penis, while in women, the urethra opens directly from the bladder into the vagina. Because of which the bacteria-viruses that cause infection reach the bladder very easily.

Causes of urine infection-
Urine infection can be a problem for women when they use an infected toilet. Apart from this, due to negligence in hygiene, women can have UTI problem.

Follow these home remedies to get relief from urine infection-
Coriander seeds-

Coriander seeds can help reduce the problem of urine infection in women. To do this remedy, keep coriander seeds soaked in water overnight. After waking up in the morning, filter this water and mix sugar candy in it and drink it on an empty stomach. Drinking this coriander water not only reduces the problem of urine infection but also detoxifies the body.

coconut water-
To overcome the problem of urine infection in women, drink one coconut water daily. By drinking coconut water, there is no shortage of water in the body and urine infection can also be prevented.

Apple vinegar-
To overcome the problem of urine infection in women, drink 2 spoons of apple vinegar mixed with lukewarm water and honey. Doing this regularly will provide relief in the problem of urine infection.


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