Home National UP: Tears came out from the idol of Hanuman ji! Devotee said – big crisis averted, watch video – Tears coming out from the idol of Hanuman ji Banda Uttar Pradesh lclar

UP: Tears came out from the idol of Hanuman ji! Devotee said – big crisis averted, watch video – Tears coming out from the idol of Hanuman ji Banda Uttar Pradesh lclar

UP: Tears came out from the idol of Hanuman ji!  Devotee said – big crisis averted, watch video – Tears coming out from the idol of Hanuman ji Banda Uttar Pradesh lclar

A video has gone viral from Banda in Uttar Pradesh, where tears are coming out from the idol of Hanuman ji kept in an ancient temple. This news spread like fire in the whole area and a crowd of devotees gathered in the temple. Devotees started chanting Jai Shri Ram.

Local people say that some woman must have cast a shadow on the idol of Hanuman ji. Due to which tears are coming out in his anger. Presently the priest, the local people are apologizing to Hanuman ji. This viral video is being told of Sunday. But on Monday someone made it viral on social media.

Tears started coming out from the idol of Hanuman ji

Fatejganj police station of Banda has an ancient temple of Hanuman ji in the rugged dense forests. It is also the center of faith of the local people. Where on Sunday evening some devotees saw water coming out of the idol of Bajrangbali and were shocked, the information of which spread like fire in the surrounding area and a crowd of people gathered.

Local people told that first one eye then tears started coming out from both the eyes. Seeing which people were surprised and started praying for forgiveness. And a devotee made a video and made it viral. The local people are chanting the name of Ram there.

First from one eye then from both eyes

People living in the area say that this idol is of ancient times, when kings used to rule, at the same time a king had installed this idol. Local people also say that Hanuman ji is cutting the crisis to deal with any untoward incident, or some woman must have touched his idol. Because of which tears are coming out of his eyes. Only God knows the Leela of God. At present, worship is being done in the temple.

Tears stopped after worship

The priest of the temple Rambabu Maharaj told that when we came to worship, water was coming out of the eyes, after some time we saw that it was still coming out, after which we sent the news to everyone. People from nearby came, now worship is being done in the temple. The name of Ram is being chanted. Now the tears have stopped coming. There must have been some crisis coming in the area which our adorable God is cutting. At present, tears have stopped coming out after the worship.


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