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Seema Haider Exclusive Interview Said My India is great will not go to Pakistan lclk

Seema Haider Exclusive Interview Said My India is great will not go to Pakistan lclk

Seema Haider, who crossed the border from Pakistan to India in love, has created a stir in both the countries. Now Seema Haider has given an answer to all the allegations leveled against her in an exclusive interview. Seema has answered every question from being an ISI agent to speaking Hindi and training to changing her name in Nepal.

Seema Haider said, ‘I am a mother, I have come with great hope, if I am sent to Pakistan, my life will end, my daughters’ lives will be ruined. The condition of women in the Baloch community I belong to is very bad. Pakistanis are saying that Seema should be shot. They also refuse to accept me as a Pakistani.

‘If she goes to Pakistan, people will kill her’

Seema Haider said that I have married a Hindu and have become a Hindu, now no one will leave me there, now the whole of Pakistan is my enemy. People are saying that Hindu girls are being converted there because of the border, it is not happening because of me, it has been happening before also.

What bid Seema Haider on being an agent

On the question of being a Pakistani spy, Seema Haider said that there is nothing like that, if it was there, I would have run away from here, everyone loves life. Have you been given training to speak Hindi? On this, Seema Haider said that all this happened after falling in love with Sachin. I have been in a relationship with Sachin for three years, so I learned by listening.

What did Seema Haider say on speaking English?

Regarding speaking English, Seema Haider said that today is the era of mobile, even an illiterate can speak after learning a little, I have also learned the same. On the other hand, Seema Haider told about her arrest that when I was caught, three agencies interrogated me and very tough questions were asked.

Seema Haider started crying on what

At the same time, during the interview, Seema Haider became emotional and started crying. She said that her husband Sachin is unwell and she has not seen him since morning, her heart is breaking. Seema said that now she is tired of the question-answers happening here. When Sachin is sitting here with me, I feel very strong. Today he is not with me.

Sachin’s family in trouble because of me: Seema Haider

During the interview, Seema Haider said that because of her, Sachin and his family are facing problems, for which she is very sad. Seema said that her husband Sachin is sad that because of her she and the children have to listen to many things. Seema Haider said that my Sachin is innocent, he will not be able to tolerate this much.

On the other hand, regarding the relationship between India and Pakistan, Seema Haider said that the people here are very nice. It hurts to hear what Pakistani people say about me in the news because I was also a Pakistani. But I am very happy that I am an Indian now. During this, he also showed the tricolor batch on his clothes, which was gifted to him by someone.

‘My India is great, don’t go to Pakistan’

Seema Haider said during the conversation, ‘My India is great, I hope I will be understood, I will live according to whatever law is imposed on me. I was told that I will not go anywhere from here, after which I did not go anywhere even after being ill. Regarding her popularity, Seema Haider said that she has no interest in becoming a star, she just wants to live in peace.

On the other hand, regarding her social media account, Seema Haider said that after being released from custody here, people said that make your account public, it will earn a little. There is no one to earn in the house, so I did this, after which there was a dispute due to my Pakistani account.

Can’t imagine living without Sachin: Seema

Relations between India and Pakistan are bad, in such a situation, are you not afraid to come to India? In response to this question, Seema Haider said that if she had been afraid, she would have been sad for the rest of her life, Sachin too would have got married and I could not live without him, could not even think of anyone other than him. I agree that I was married but my relationship with my husband was not good and he had left me. Now they are not tolerating that I have become a Hindu woman and got married.

The future of children in India is secure: Seema Haider

On the other hand, on the allegation of father-in-law spoiling the future of the children, Seema Haider said that Ghulam has two elder children, they have never even seen the face of the school. The future of my children is better here. On the other hand, regarding the Hindu names of the children on the bus ticket while coming from Nepal, Seema Haider said that it is absolutely true, after marriage with Sachin, she had given Hindu names to her children and calls them through that.

Seema has named the son Raja. On the other hand, regarding getting Preeti’s name written in the hotel, Seema Haider said that this is absolutely a lie, I had got my name written as Seema because this name is kept in both Hindus and Muslims.

Can’t talk to brother: Seema

On the question of brother and uncle being in Pakistan Army, Seema Haider said that I have no relation with uncle, when I used to talk to Sachin, my brother used to work as a laborer. He joined the army in 2022 after not getting any job, I didn’t talk to him.


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