Home National Rice Export Ban: Government imposed ban on export of rice, decision had to be taken for these two reasons

Rice Export Ban: Government imposed ban on export of rice, decision had to be taken for these two reasons

Rice Export Ban: Government imposed ban on export of rice, decision had to be taken for these two reasons

The Government of India has taken a strict decision regarding the export of rice. The government has banned the export of all types of raw rice (Non-Basmati White Rice) except Basmati rice. This decision has been taken keeping in mind the increase in domestic demand and control over retail prices during the upcoming festive season.

In a statement issued by the Food Ministry, it has been said that no change has been made in the export policy of Basmati rice and all types of Usna rice. That is, only the export of non-basmati raw rice has been banned. Although basmati rice is exported from India on a large scale.

Steady hike in rice prices

The government has decided to curb rising prices in the domestic market by banning the export of non-basmati white rice. In the last few days, there is a sharp increase in the prices of rice, this month the price of rice has increased by 10 to 20 percent. However, export of rice will be allowed with certain conditions. If the loading of rice in ships has started before the notification, then its export will be allowed.

Apart from this, export of rice will also be allowed in those cases where the government has given its permission to other countries. The government has given such permission considering the needs of food security of these countries. In the country, the cost of food and drink has increased a lot in the last few years. The prices of wheat, rice, milk and vegetables have increased rapidly.

Highest export in these 5 countries

The share of non-basmati white rice in the total rice exported from the country is about 25 percent. The total export of non-basmati white rice from India was USD 4.2 million in 2022-23 as compared to USD 2.62 million in the previous financial year i.e. 2021-22. India exports the most non-basmati white rice to Thailand, Italy, Spain, Sri Lanka and the United States.

In the first quarter of the current financial year, about 15.54 lakh tonnes of white rice has been exported, which was only 11.55 lakh tonnes in the year-ago period, that is, there has been an increase of 35 per cent in exports in the first quarter of the current financial year.

Reduction in sowing of paddy is also a reason

Significantly, some part of the country is drowning due to floods. But there are some states where it is raining less than the average. It is raining less especially in those states where paddy is grown the most. In states like West Bengal, Maharashtra and Karnataka less paddy has been sown. While West Bengal is a major paddy producing state.

Let us tell you that India is the second largest exporter of rice in the world, in September last year the government had banned the export of broken rice. Along with this, up to 20 percent duty was imposed on the export of various types of rice.


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