Home World Qin Gang Missing Because He Has Extramarital Affair With Journalist

Qin Gang Missing Because He Has Extramarital Affair With Journalist

Qin Gang Missing Because He Has Extramarital Affair With Journalist

Qin Gang missing: The New York Times has made a big disclosure about China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang. According to the New York Times, the reason for the disappearance of Qin Gang is being told about extramarital relations with a female journalist.

Kin Gang was last seen on 25th June
Please tell that China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang has been missing for a long time. He was last seen in public on 25 June at a meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko Andrey Yuryevich. Which gang has not been seen since then. Although China has said that he is missing due to his health problem. A Hong Kong newspaper had reported that Qin Gang Kovid has been infected.

Why is Qin Gang missing
Meanwhile, big news has come to the fore regarding the Qin gang. The New York Times reports that Qin Gang is missing because of an extramarital affair with Fu Xiaotian, a famous Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV reporter. Recently, videos and pictures of King Gang and female reporter went viral on Twitter.

Reporters have claimed that Fu Xiaotian is a US citizen and is married. Along with this, the reporters told that he also has a child.

Xi Jinping’s concern increased
The concern of Chinese President Xi Jinping has increased due to this matter. Xi Jinping had assigned the post of Foreign Minister to Qin Gang as compared to other diplomats, but now it has become very difficult to suppress the rumors about Qin Gang because the disappearance of China’s Foreign Minister is raising questions on Xi Jinping.

Please tell that Qin Gang was to attend the ASEAN meeting in Jakarta, but due to his disappearance, now top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi will participate in this meeting.

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