Home Share Market Pacific Gas & Electric says it can meet California’s electricity demand this summer. by Reuters

Pacific Gas & Electric says it can meet California’s electricity demand this summer. by Reuters

Pacific Gas & Electric says it can meet California’s electricity demand this summer.  by Reuters

© Reuters. A local resident walks past the power grid towers at Barre Island State Marine Park on January 26, 2022 in Redwood City, California, United States. Reuters/Carlos Barria

(Reuters) – Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E (NYSE: )) said on Friday it is prepared to meet rising electricity demand in California this summer with new energy supplies amid an ongoing heat wave.

The company said it is bringing online new resources such as battery energy storage, including an additional 700 megawatts (MW) compared to last summer.

California residents are concerned about the effects of extreme weather after power grid operators were forced to impose rotational outages in the state during a severe heat wave in August 2020.

At the time, PG&E said it only had 6.5 megawatts of battery energy storage connected to the power grid. It expects to have 1,700 megawatts online by September, or enough to meet the demand of 1.2 million homes at once, it said.

PG&E said it is revising programs that offer financial incentives for residential and commercial customers who reduce energy use during peak demand.

PG&E said it could reduce energy demand on the grid by up to 900 megawatts, or about 650,000 homes, through its load management programs and contracts when large numbers of customers participate.

PG&E also said it expected to have enough hydropower to help meet the summer peak demand period.


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