Home National On hearing the name ‘Sita’, the stolen goat reached its owner, the neighbor was hiding in the house

On hearing the name ‘Sita’, the stolen goat reached its owner, the neighbor was hiding in the house

On hearing the name ‘Sita’, the stolen goat reached its owner, the neighbor was hiding in the house

An interesting story has come to light from Bhusaula village of Varanasi. Where the goat of a cattle rearer, which had been missing for the last few days, was found from the neighbor’s house itself. In fact, when the owner’s daughter gave a call recognizing her, the goat ‘Sita’ returned on its own. After finding the stolen goat, happiness returned to the old foster’s family. But the matter first reached the panchayat and then the police station.

This is the case of Bhusaula village under Kapsethi police station area located in Sewapuri, Varanasi. Here a woman Nisha Devi accused her own neighbor Reshma Devi wife Santosh of goat theft. The goat was searched for a long time, but nothing could be found about it. But coincidentally, on Friday, the door of the same neighbor Reshma Devi’s house was left open and the goat came out of the house.

When the daughter of the old cattle herder Nisha caught sight of the goat, she called the goat’s name ‘Sita’, then the goat ran to her. Then what was left? When the difference was revealed, a panchayat also sat in the village. But it didn’t work out.

After this, both the parties were also called to the police post and in the end, the police also handed over the goat to its real herdsman i.e. Nisha Devi. On the other hand, in this whole matter, Kapsethi police station chief Satish Kumar Yadav told that there was no case in this matter. The one who had a goat, has got it back after going missing.


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