Home Health obesity to tooth cavity know side effects of eating ice cream after dinner can cause these health issues

obesity to tooth cavity know side effects of eating ice cream after dinner can cause these health issues

obesity to tooth cavity know side effects of eating ice cream after dinner can cause these health issues

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Side Effects Of Eating Ice Cream After Dinner: If you are fond of eating sweets and like to eat sweet ice cream every night after dinner, then you are unknowingly harming not only your personality but also your health. You may be surprised to hear that ice cream that improves mood and taste can harm your personality and health. But according to Ayurveda, it is strictly forbidden to consume cold things after hot food, it is called opposite diet. In such a situation, let us know what harm can be done to the health by eating ice cream after dinner.

Disadvantages of eating ice cream after dinner-
Sleep quality affected

According to health experts, the biggest side effect of eating ice cream after dinner is that it is responsible for spoiling your sleep. The excess of sugar present in ice cream can seriously affect the quality of sleep. According to a study published in the American Heart Association Journal, diets that are high in calories (especially added sugars) may be at a higher risk of affecting sleep quality.

Cavity problem in teeth
If you do not brush your teeth after eating ice cream at night, the sugar present in it remains in your mouth throughout the night, which can increase the risk of dental cavities.

Complaint of phlegm-
Due to the habit of eating sweets after dinner, a person starts complaining of increased phlegm. Because of which shortness of breath, cough, heaviness can be felt.

Excess of calories present in ice cream can be a reason for weight gain. Apart from this, the amount of added sugar present in it also increases the risk of obesity. If you are already troubled by the problem of obesity, then avoid eating ice cream after dinner.

Bad for liver-
Ice cream is sweetened with the help of fructose. According to researchers, consuming fructose-rich foods on a daily basis can increase the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. If not treated in time, the risk of serious problems like liver cirrhosis can also increase.


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