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Jawaharlal Nehru offered Indian citizenship to Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, but…

Jawaharlal Nehru offered Indian citizenship to Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, but…

People’s interest in the life of American scientist Robert J. Oppenheimer has increased after the release of famous director Christopher Nolan’s film ‘Oppenheimer’. In a recently published book, it has been claimed about scientist Oppenheimer that he was offered Indian citizenship by Jawaharlal Nehru, the former Prime Minister of India. This book is written by famous Indian Parsi writer Bakhtiyar K Dadabhai on the life of Indian scientist Homi Jehangir Bhabha.

The friendship of American scientist Oppenheimer and Bhabha is also mentioned in the book. Dadabhai’s book ‘Homi J. Bhabha: A Life’ states that, “It is likely that Bhabha met Oppenheimer after the end of World War II, after which the two became good friends. This was not surprising because, like Bhabha, Oppenheimer was also a civilized man. He had studied Sanskrit, as well as Latin and Greek.”

‘It is not my responsibility to decide how weapons should be used’

According to the BBC, the atomic bombs that Oppenheimer designed were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War II. His colleagues were in moral dilemma about developing such a powerful bomb, then Oppenheimer said that he was just doing his job. It is not their responsibility to decide how the weapon should be used.

However, Oppenheimer later changed his stance. He argued against developing more powerful and advanced weapons, especially hydrogen bombs. Taking this stand cost him dearly and as a result, in the year 1954, the then US government ordered an inquiry into Oppenheimer and his security clearance was also taken away. After which he could not be involved in policy decisions. According to the book, it was at this time that PM Nehru offered him to take Indian citizenship.

When Jawaharlal Nehru said – You can take Indian citizenship if you want

It has been said in Dadabhai’s book that, “When Oppenheimer lost his security clearance in the year 1954, Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India, at the behest of Bhabha, invited him to visit India on several occasions.” Along with this, former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had also said that Oppenheimer can come to India if he wishes.

According to the Times of India, the American scientist Oppenheimer refused PM Nehru’s offer, as he felt that it would not be right for him to leave America until he was cleared of all charges.

It is said in Dadabhai’s book that, “Oppenheimer was afraid that not only would permission be denied, but it would increase the government’s suspicion about him even more.”

At the same time, Kai Bird, co-author of the book ‘Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer’, told Hindustan Times that Oppenheimer did not accept the offer of former PM Jawaharlal Nehru because he was a patriotic American.


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