Home National Jammu Kashmir TRF Threaten To BJP And RSS Leaders Lashkar E Taiba

Jammu Kashmir TRF Threaten To BJP And RSS Leaders Lashkar E Taiba

Jammu Kashmir TRF Threaten To BJP And RSS Leaders Lashkar E Taiba

TRF Threaten To BJP Leaders: Active terrorist organization ‘The Resistance Front’ (TRF) in Jammu and Kashmir has threatened RSS leaders. The terrorist group has issued a list of 30 leaders, in which the names, positions and places of the leaders have been mentioned. Resistance Front has said that we will target these leaders.

A statement has been issued by TRF’s Kashmirfight.com which is viral on social media these days. It states, “RSS people are celebrating very happily after spreading their propaganda. People joining poisonous organization like RSS in the valley either do not know where they are joining or they are not aware of this organization.” have sold themselves for the small benefits they get from the

Accused of defaming other religions

The statement further said, “People should be aware that the people of the valley have joined such organisations. On one hand the people of Sangh and BJP are trying to implement/propagate Hindutva ideology and on the other hand organization like RSS is running the agenda of defaming Islam and other religions. There are some people in the valley who have joined this outfit.”

TRF threatens to shed blood

TRF has clearly said in its threat that in the coming times, especially those who have joined RSS and BJP and those who are supporting them, such people are going to bleed. These people need to be careful now. At the same time, no statement has been given by the police regarding this.

Lashkar’s branch ‘The Resistance Front’

The Resistance Front active in Jammu and Kashmir is a branch of Lashkar-e-Taiba. This front also runs an online campaign against the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. Quoting the police, it was told that only after 6 months of this online campaign from Karachi, this front prepared its organization at the grassroots level. It is similar to other organizations like Tehreek-e-Millat Islamia and Ghaznavi Hind. This organization started taking responsibility for attacks in Jammu and Kashmir after 2020. The front came to know when the people associated with it were arrested from Sopore.

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