Home World In China A Person Tied 7 Cows On The Fifth Floor Of The Flat Video Viral On Social Media

In China A Person Tied 7 Cows On The Fifth Floor Of The Flat Video Viral On Social Media

In China A Person Tied 7 Cows On The Fifth Floor Of The Flat Video Viral On Social Media

Viral News: A very strange case has been seen in a flat in China, which has become a topic of discussion. Actually, here a person has kept a cow on the fifth floor of his building. Seeing which people are expressing surprise. Interestingly, the Chinese man has kept many cattle in his balcony. Whose picture is also going viral on social media.

According to the report of South China Morning Post, the matter is of Sichuan province of Southwest China, where a Chinese man has kept seven cows (calves) on the fifth floor of a multi-storey building. It can be seen in the viral picture that all these cattle are eating their fodder. A video of the incident has been shared on an app used in China like Tiktok, which has been viewed four million times.

Cows stayed in the flat for a day

The South China Morning Post quoted a local resident as saying that the cows stayed in the residential complex for a day in the flat. After which the neighbors started creating ruckus. Seeing the matter gaining momentum, the officials immediately took cognizance. After which the Chinese man shifted his cattle elsewhere.

Neighbors created ruckus

Neighbors complained that foul smell had spread due to the arrival of calves in the flat. The sound of cattle is causing many problems. Speaking to the South China Morning Post about the incident, one person said, “I am sure the cattle would never have thought that one day they would be able to live in a building.” While another person said, “The poor calves are being tortured in such a small balcony. This kind of craze is dangerous for everyone.

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