Home Health every women must know the right time to undergo an IVF treatment know what fertility expert has to say about In vitro fertilization

every women must know the right time to undergo an IVF treatment know what fertility expert has to say about In vitro fertilization

every women must know the right time to undergo an IVF treatment know what fertility expert has to say about In vitro fertilization

Right Time To Undergo An IVF Treatment: For the last few years, the problem of infertility among couples has increased a lot. According to WHO, infertility is a disease in which a man or a woman is unable to become pregnant despite having regular unprotected sex for 12 months or more. Let us tell you, the main reason for infertility can be lifestyle changes, environmental, and delaying pregnancy due to economic or educational reasons. Dr. Rachita Munjal, Consultant, Birla Fertility and IVF, says that among the various factors affecting fertility, the age of the woman plays the most important role, which has a profound impact on the success of fertility treatment. In such a situation, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is considered to be the most successful treatment for infertility, in which the success rate remains from 30 percent to 50 percent.

What is infertility?
If a couple is not able to conceive even after trying for a year or more, then they may be suffering from infertility. Failure to conceive is not the problem of any one woman. In today’s time, many couples are victims of this problem.

Causes of infertility-
Infertility can be caused by a number of reasons, including stress, uterine fibroids, disorders in sperm production, blocked fallopian tubes, decreased ovarian reserve, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and premature ovarian failure. But undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment at an early age can help couples have children.

For whom is in vitro fertilization (IVF) beneficial?
Women under the age of 35 who have been trying to conceive for less than three years can go for simple treatments like intra-uterine insemination (IUI) and ovulation induction. These treatments are less invasive, and have a success rate of about 10 to 15 percent per cycle. Even after the use of IVF has increased in the last few years, many couples are unable to take advantage of this modern procedure due to the fear of many myths like abnormal pregnancy or unnatural method of pregnancy. There is no scientific basis for any of these myths, and believing them, many couples waste a lot of time before going ahead with IVF. Apart from this, the physical, financial, and emotional stress associated with IVF sometimes becomes a major hurdle for the couple.

Understand the real causes of infertility-
Before thinking of IVF, it is very important to understand the real causes of infertility. For which both men and women should undergo a preliminary blood test to check general health and check ovarian reserve (number of eggs in the ovaries). Factors such as age, history of reproductive health, hormone levels, sperm quality, and structural abnormalities will be explored. Consulting a fertility specialist will give you complete information about your reproductive health and help you get the right treatment.

age and female fertility
Age is an important factor that particularly affects the success rate of IVF treatment. As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases, leading to a decline in the quality and quantity of eggs. Women under the age of 30 often have a higher success rate with IVF treatment than women who are over 30 or into their 40s. However, individual differences do exist, and a full evaluation by a fertility specialist is necessary to assess each individual’s specific situation.

Male factor and sperm health
Often the focus is on female fertility, but it is also important not to ignore male factors. Certain causes of male infertility, such as low sperm count or poor sperm motility or sperm composition, can affect the success of IVF. Both men and women need to undergo a complete fertility test to identify and address any male-related problems.

Medical conditions and health factors
Certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or uterine abnormalities, can affect fertility and IVF success. Consult your fertility specialist for proper treatment of these conditions before undergoing IVF. In addition, improving your lifestyle by reducing smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity and stress can greatly increase your chances of IVF treatment success.

being emotionally ready
Going through IVF treatment can be emotionally challenging. In such a situation, it is very important to be emotionally prepared during treatment and to be around morale-boosting people. IVF can involve a variety of medical procedures, hormonal treatments, and possible setbacks. So having open conversations with your partner, family and friends, and seeking professional counseling if needed, can help you understand the emotional aspects of the IVF journey.

Cost of treatment
Over the years, IVF treatment has become much cheaper in our country, but financial planning is essential. It is important to explore the insurance coverage options, fertility financing plan and budget accordingly. Discussing the financial aspects with your fertility specialist and the clinic’s financial advisors will help you understand the expenses involved and plan accordingly.

Partner availability
Your partner’s coordination and cooperation with you is very important during the IVF process. This includes accompanying you to appointments, providing emotional support and attending any necessary procedures or tests. Talking in advance about when your partner will be available and how much participation they can provide will help ensure a smooth and supportive experience during IVF treatment.

Deciding when is the right time to have IVF treatment is an individual decision that needs careful consideration. Consult a fertility specialist to understand your circumstances and receive professional guidance. Factors such as age, underlying cause of infertility, medical conditions, emotional preparation and consideration of the overall expenses involved play a huge role in determining the ideal timing for IVF.
Remember that everyone’s fertility journey is different, and there is no one answer that is right for everyone.
After considering all the factors and taking guidance from IVF experts, you can make a right decision which can increase your chances of treatment success.


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