Home Technology elon musk failed to change twitter sign board with x on company headquarters here is why

elon musk failed to change twitter sign board with x on company headquarters here is why

elon musk failed to change twitter sign board with x on company headquarters here is why

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American billionaire Elon Musk is a name that continues to make headlines. Since buying the microblogging platform Twitter last year, Musk made a lot of changes in it and on July 24 changed its entire identity. Musk has changed the name of Twitter to ‘X’ and instead of the blue bird logo, a logo similar to the English letter X is also visible. Despite this change, he has not received the permit to put a new logo on the company headquarters.

The giant @twitter sign was being removed from the San Francisco-based Twitter headquarters, prompting the building management to call the police. It was later learned that Twitter did not have a permit to install a new sign and the company could not install a new X logo on its headquarters. In fact, the company should have taken a permit to put the new logo on the building and remove the old one, for which it never applied.

(Photo: San Francisco Chronicle)

Goodbye blue bird! Twitter is over, now Elon Musk will run the magic of X

What is the matter related to Twitter Headquarters?
After Musk changed Twitter’s name, logo and URL, the sign-board at the company headquarters started being removed, for which the building management lodged a complaint with the police. The building management said that they were not informed about the replacement of any signboard and after that the work was stopped by the police. By the time the police stopped, half the letters had been removed from the signboard. Now only the ‘er’ and the bird logo remain on the sign board.

(Photo: San Francisco Chronicle)

change without building permit is wrong
The City Department of Building Inspection stated that they were looking to determine if the company needed a permit to place the new Identity X logo on the sign board. Department spokesperson Patrick Hannon said any change or removal of the sign board requires a building permit. City databases show that the company has not applied for a permit to replace the signboard. Means she was making changes in the sign board without permit.

Now sending messages on Twitter will also cost money, buy Blue Tick or pay

Musk has violated the rules before
Elon Musk has already violated the rules in the Twitter headquarters building. In December last year, an investigation by the Building and Planning Department revealed that beds had been installed for employees in the Twitter office without obtaining a permit. Apart from this, the company was also accused of improperly locking the fire doors in a lawsuit filed by former employees.

There are speculations that Musk may also face lawsuits regarding the X branding as several other companies already have its trademark. Microsoft and Meta have also taken the X trademark for their different services and it is one of the most common trademarks.


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