Home Health effective yoga asanas for diabetes home remedies in hindi

effective yoga asanas for diabetes home remedies in hindi

effective yoga asanas for diabetes home remedies in hindi

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Yoga Asanas For Diabetes: Due to changing lifestyle, lack of workout and bad eating habits, nowadays most of the people are falling prey to diabetes. According to the International Diabetes Federation, more than 70 million Indians are suffering from this disease. It is a matter of concern that if diabetes is not controlled in time, then it starts causing other diseases. If you are also suffering from diabetes, then you can control it by including these 3 yogasanas in your routine.

Yoga asanas for diabetes-

This yoga asana is a good option to control diabetes. To do this yogasana, first of all sit on the floor in a cross-legged position by folding your legs. Now take a deep breath and exhale quickly, making a sound. While doing Kapalbhati, you have to take special care of your breath. While inhaling, take a deep breath slowly and while exhaling, exhale quickly. Do this 10 times.

Yoga is another effective way to keep diabetes under control. While doing Anulom Vilom, you have to close your right nostril and breathe through the left nostril. Then immediately close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril.

To do Mandukasana, first of all sit in Vajrasana position. Now make fists of both your hands and keep them on your stomach in such a way that the joint of both the hands comes on the navel. Try to touch the ground with your forehead while pressing both the fists against your stomach. While doing this, bend towards the ground as much as possible. Do this for 20 seconds and then release.

You can also try these home remedies to control diabetes-

Cinnamon reduces the sugar level in the blood by reducing harmful cholesterol in the body. To do this remedy, boil a pinch of cinnamon powder in water and drink it after making tea. By doing this diabetes can be kept under control.

Bitter gourd-
The nutrients present in bitter gourd can help in reducing the sugar level present in the blood. Diabetes patients can try this remedy and drink a glass of bitter gourd juice daily in the morning.

Fenugreek helps in controlling diabetes, improving glucose tolerance, lowering blood sugar levels and stimulating glucose-dependent insulin secretion. For this remedy of fenugreek, soak 2 spoons of fenugreek seeds overnight. Drink that water with seeds on an empty stomach the next morning. Patients suffering from type-1 and type-2 diabetes can adopt this remedy of fenugreek.


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