Home Health Do You Also Carry Your Phone To The Toilet Know Side Effects

Do You Also Carry Your Phone To The Toilet Know Side Effects

Do You Also Carry Your Phone To The Toilet Know Side Effects

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Everyone checks their mobile first after waking up in the morning, while it has become everyone’s habit to look at the mobile phone even before sleeping at night. Be it a child or an adult, everyone has become addicted to mobile phones. People keep looking at mobile phones even in between office work. People have become so attached to the phone that they even take it to the washroom. There will be very few people who do not have the habit of taking the phone to the washroom. This has become a habit for most of the people. Some even believe that if they do not use the phone in the washroom, then their stomach will not be clean. But do you know that this act can take a toll on your health?

Disadvantages of taking phone in toilet

If you use your mobile phone all the time and take it with you even in the toilet, then know that due to this, there is a lot of damage to your health. When you do this, you come out with a lot of germs on the mobile from the bathroom. Due to which you may have diarrhea, intestinal diseases and urine infection etc. At the same time, these germs can infect others as well.

This can be a serious problem

If you take your mobile phone with you to the bathroom, it can also lead to constipation, as your body gets used to working in the bathroom for very long and unnatural hours. Apart from this, some reports also say that by sitting in the washroom for a long time, you forcefully put pressure on yourself, due to which the problem of piles can occur.

how long to go to the toilet

One should not sit in the toilet for more than 10 minutes, although having a phone in hand can increase this time to 20-30 minutes. Because of which there may be a problem in the defecation process.

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Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions. Consult a doctor or expert before following any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion.


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