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Compiler vs Interpreter: Main Difference

Compiler vs Interpreter: Main Difference

Compilation and interpretation are the two primary methods for executing code in the field of programming. Compilers and interpreters are essential tools for computers to understand and execute high-level programming languages. Although they have this in common, how they achieve this and how it affects program performance are very different.

This article will examine the main differences between interpreters and compilers, in order to better understand their respective functions in the software development process.

What are compilers and interpreters?

the compiler

The entire source code of a program created in a high-level programming language is simultaneously translated into machine code (binary code) by a special tool compiler. There are several steps in the compilation process that are typical, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, optimization, and code generation. A standalone executable file produced by the compiler can be run directly by the operating system.


On the other hand, an interpreter is a program that reads the source code of a program line by line and runs it immediately without creating a file of intermediate machine code first. The interpreter executes each statement immediately after translating it into machine code or intermediate code, rather than translating the entire program at once. This means that while a program is running, the source code is read and translated in real time.

compare compilation and interpretation

execution process

The execution process is one of the major differences between interpreters and compilers. Before running, a compiler converts the entire source code into machine code, creating a standalone executable file. As a result of the conversion being completed earlier, the built software often runs faster. But the initial compilation process can take some time, especially for large programs.

On the other hand, an interpreter does not create a standalone executable. Instead, it runs line by line while reading the source code and executing it immediately. As a result, development input can be given more quickly because changes can be tested immediately without recompiling. However, because of the potential cost of the interpretation process, interpreted programs are generally slower than compiled programs.

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Compiled applications are closely tied to a particular operating system and hardware architecture because compilers generate unique machine code for the target platform. A program compiled for one platform may not be able to execute on another without modification or recompilation due to lack of portability.

Instead of creating machine code files, interpreters execute the source code immediately, making them often platform-neutral. This makes it easy to port interpreted programs between multiple systems, provided that the correct interpreter is accessible for each target platform.

fault finding

The methods used for error detection in compilation and interpretation are also different. Before generating machine code, a compiler does a thorough examination of the entire source code. As a result, it can detect a variety of mistakes during compilation, including logic flaws, type problems, and syntax errors. The compiler will generate an error message with a list of all errors found in the code, making it easier for the developer to find and fix them.

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An interpreter, on the other hand, stops operation when the first error is detected in the code. As a result, error detection is faster with interpreted languages. However, because the interpreter only reports the first error it finds, further problems with the code may not be reported until the initial error is repaired and the code is run again.