Home World China Is Drilling Another 10,000 Meter Hole Know The Main Reason

China Is Drilling Another 10,000 Meter Hole Know The Main Reason

China Is Drilling Another 10,000 Meter Hole Know The Main Reason

China: China is often in the news for its new experiments. Once again Dragon is doing something that the whole world is eyeing. In fact, this time China has started digging a 10,000 meter pit in the ground in search of extremely deep reserves of natural gas. China has done this for the second time this year. The official news agency Xinhua has given this information.

China National Petroleum Corporation on Thursday began drilling the Shendi Chuan well, which has a design depth of 10,520 meters (6.5 miles), in Sichuan province, the agency reported. Earlier, on May 30, China started excavation work in Xinjiang province. Which at that time was described as the deepest well ever drilled in China. According to the report of Xinhua, by digging this time, China is trying to find ultra-deep reserves of natural gas.

oil reserves in sichuan

China’s Sichuan province is known for its spicy food, spectacular mountain scenery and pandas. This is the largest area of ​​oil reserves in China. It is also home to some of the largest shale gas reserves in China. However, due to the difficult mountainous terrain, the Chinese fast companies have not been able to get that much success from here, for which they are constantly striving.

The purpose of obtaining information related to mineral resources

Chinese scientists say that this excavation can provide important information about many mineral resources and natural disasters. China’s government has in recent years pressured energy companies to increase fuel security by boosting domestic production amid power shortages, geopolitical conflicts and global price volatility.

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